It’s ten degrees and a drizzle when I land at London Gatwick after one of those weeks in your life that, in retrospect, you don’t really know if they were true or not.
One week ago, arriving from Rotterdam to Brussels, I happened to think that my bed behind the Ping Pong table was cold and empty. That thought evoked a dream that together with a typical organisation à la Rebecka, created the reality of this crazy week. Let’s just say that I’ve had a concentrated zip of my life’s drink.
I’ve officially moved out from Belgium and finished all the accounts, I’ve done interviews within the fairy tale project, had work meetings with different partners, goodbye meetings with friends and a cake party with a lot of wine. I’ve had the most wonderful calamari and fish dinner with Ouzo, I’ve sent away my passport to the Embassy of Mali in Berlin, lost my drivers licence and Visa cards at a resting place in Germany, experienced not having any identity proof and missing my first flight ever. I’ve been driving 1200 kilometres, passed three impressive bridges and realised I own too many things. I’ve understood how opposites can attract and how a winter jacket can get you warm. I’ve felt the power of kissing and the beauty of letting go. I’ve got a shot of the yellow fever, some other shots of the Swedish “snaps” and not so much sleep. I've cherished and banned my emotional kind.
No wonder I slept like a baby the two hours flight to London. London; my new hometown.
God it’s exciting! What will 2014 and London bring to this crazy beautiful life of mine?
Andra inlägg
- Sorti.
- Fly. Flyga. Illa fäkta.
- #thesofadance
- Swedish television visited our creation in Landskrona.
- Norwegian circus artists in Covid-19 lock down.
- Det får bära eller brista
- First production meeting
- BUMP- a short film by Arthur le FOL and Mimbre
- Behind the scene images - Dior
- Acrobatics on Dior's run way.