One of the projects that are more or less on hold at the moment is “Fly.Flyga. Illa
This is the working title for a chorographical research project that looks at
domestic violence’s increase during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Together with the two co-founders and artistic directors of Mimbre; Silvia
Fratelli and Lina Johansson I will research acrobatical movements that can be
used to portrait the feeling of being stuck in something you can’t get out of.
Isolation. Powerlessness. To feel strong or weak. Fight or flight?
It’s not the violence I’m interested in illustrating, it’s the victims physical and
emotional strength in relation to their isolation during the Covid pandemic.
Hopefully, we will soon be able to travel to research together. If not I will focus
on another part of the project; developing a solo choreography based on
movements from partner acrobatics.
Funded by Arts council Norway (forprosjekt).