I’m living a very creative moment these days, especially in my mind and in front of my computer. I’m reading the book ”THE USES OF ENCHANTMENT” - The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales by Bruno Bettelheim. It’s a very interesting book about how fairy tales affects us as children and how they help us create our identity and understand the world. The author shows how important classic fairy tales are and how they can help in the greatest human task, that of finding meaning in one’s life. I underline, rewrite and reflect. It’s a slow process because I’m reading in English, rewrites and reflects in French so that my partners in the project can take part of it, and then, yes, I also have an awfully big amount of Swedish words in my head.
At the same time I’m here in the south of Spain to study Spanish in a “Curso intensivo” of two weeks. When I’m not in school I have homework. Pretérito Indefinido and Pretérito Imperfecto…
I live at my grand parents place and I’ve started to interview grandmother about her mother Nelly and her grandmother Justina. They were both wives of fishermen in Abbekås and strong women who made it through a lot. The husband of Justina died when he was 39 years old, they had three daughters and a fourth daughter on the way. Justina then lived on the land she had and raised her four daughters on her own. It is very interesting and my next show will be inspired by these three generations of women who lived their lives in the twentieth century. What were their daily tasks? What did they carry? How did they dress? What made them laugh?
Even if I’m still at the first stage of my project about the fairy tales I have this sudden inspiration for my “project of women” and I work on both at the same time. It is fantastic to see where I come from. My family has lived as fishermen in the south cost of Sweden for about three hundred years.
Many things are in my thoughts, Swedish, Chilean, West African and Belgian fairy tales, the Spanish language, my female ancestors and of course then my own life. The choices I make. What I’ve come to see and experience, and what shall come.
I still keep you waiting about what really will happen during 2014, but I can tell you that, I would never have believed that this messy year could bring that much inspiration and motivation. Things are happening on many levels and I’m thankful of all loving people I have around me. I guess it’s true what they’re saying, that out of chaos comes… everything?
My morning view.
Andra inlägg
- Sorti.
- Fly. Flyga. Illa fäkta.
- #thesofadance
- Swedish television visited our creation in Landskrona.
- Norwegian circus artists in Covid-19 lock down.
- Det får bära eller brista
- First production meeting
- BUMP- a short film by Arthur le FOL and Mimbre
- Behind the scene images - Dior
- Acrobatics on Dior's run way.